Aptos and Polkadot

We originally aimed to build and deploy on Polkadot as a parachain which host important game data. But, a parachain is quite overkill, complicated and expensive for early stage of the game, so we decided to go for another platform that is developer friendly, scalable, with a good degree of decentralization. Among L1 solutions on the market, Aptos seems to fit well with our needs ( we love Rust as well )

If things go well, and the game grow exponentially in the future, we may extend to a Dot parachain and maintain cross chain bridge between two ecosystems ( inter-verse )

Unreal Engine 5 and Unity

A metaverse cannot come true and will be only an empty promise if it does not allow user to interact and immerse in high fidelity 3D world. In term of graphic quality, Unreal Engine 5 is absolutely the winner. And with more than 10 years of experience in AAA game development, we know how to fully take advance of it to bring Lamdamoon Metaverse vision to life.

However, Unreal requires a powerful setup ( gaming PC ), and in order to reach mass audience, mobile/web support plays a very important role. In this area, apparently Unity is much better.

More details will come soon, which explain how we use both engines for different forms ( experiences ) of the game.

Anyway, an in-engine cinematic trailer will be released in Q1/2022 as the first effort to realize our vision, stay tune !

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